A small waterfall in a stream in the woods

Private Well Owners

Private Well Owners

Millions of rural residents throughout Pennsylvania use a private water well, spring, or cistern for their drinking water.

There are no statewide regulations on these household water supplies, so their management is the voluntary responsibility of the homeowner. The National Ground Water Association (NGWA) recommends well owners test their water at least annually for bacteria, nitrates, and any contaminants of local concern.

Management of these water supplies, including proper design, location, construction, testing, and treatment, can be challenging. Check out the resources below for guidance.

Water Testing Resources

Resources with Additional Information

Groundwater well surrounded by fallen leaves

Septic System Maintenance

The best-designed and properly installed on—lot sewage disposal system will still malfunction if the homeowner does not properly operate and maintain the system.

In addition to requiring costly repairs, malfunctioning systems can contaminate surface and groundwaters, cause various health problems, and spread disease as well as create unsightly messes and foul odors when raw sewage surfaces or backs up into the home.

It is recommended that the average septic be pumped every 3-5 years with regular inspections in between.

Two people pumping out a septic tank

There are 4,700 miles of streams and 74 square miles of lakes and ponds in Pike County. Most of these waterways are exceptionally clean and support healthy ecosystems.


Follow all fishing laws, and don’t pollute these clean streams. Volunteer to help restore and protect these waterways.

Check out our Partners in Conservation which you can pitch in to help »