rocky stream surrounded by fall foliage

Pocono Source Water Protection Collaborative

logoIn 2013 under a Water Resources Education Network from the League of Women Voters, the Pocono Source Water Protection Collaborative (PSWPC) was formed to maintain the excellent drinking water quality of Northeast Pennsylvania.


Our Mission:

The Pocono Source Water Protection Collaborative was formed to raise awareness and help local officials, water suppliers, homeowners, commercial well owners, emergency management officials, concerned citizens and community stakeholders take action to protect drinking water from contamination to ensure our quality of life, economic growth, and nature’s benefits. 


The Pike County Conservation District works with the Collaborative, which is an association of private and community associations, agency representatives, water operators, and community drinking water system owners, on plans to help keep our drinking water free from pollutants and ensure a healthy water source for our entire region.

One focus of the group is supporting community water systems in their drinking water protection efforts, such as developing a source water protection plan. Source water protection plans involve discovering the water supply’s drinking water sources and potential sources of contamination and developing emergency plans in the event of a spill or accident that may threaten those sources.

PSWPC hopes to extend the participation of community water suppliers by highlighting the benefits and opportunities of working together.


Other Group Goals Include: 

  • Sharing ideas and lessons learned within the collaboration
  • Establishing a streamlined approach for spill notification to system operators
  • Source Water protection education
  • Promote Source Water Protection Plan development
Staff and board member pose with a Pocono Source Water Protection Collaborative poster

Where Does Your Water Come From?

From Source to Sink...

Check out the new PSWPC brochure to learn about source water in Pike County and find some tips on how you can help protect your drinking water sources at home.

Download the Brochure »


Poorly functioning septic systems pose health risks.


Maintain your septic system. Help protect family health and keep your financial investment secure. Practice water conservation measures to avoid overloading an absorption field, which can lead to system failure.