A wetland in fall with colorful trees surrounding the water

Partners in Conservation

Much of the work of the Conservation District, whether educational, technical or administrative, is accomplished through collaborative efforts with state and federal agencies as well as local partners. The District is fortunate to have such a broad base of technical expertise and funding sources from which to draw for conservation programs that benefit Pike County. Below is a listing of just some of the many partnering organizations with which the District collaborates.

Nominating Organizations

Nominating organizations provide a vital link between various community groups and the Conservation District. They have the opportunity to nominate individuals for the Board of Directors of the Pike County Conservation District. Directors shape critical decisions about how Pike County manages our community’s natural assets — soils, forests and woodlands, lakes and wetlands, rivers and streams, and drinking water supplies.


Delaware Highlands Conservancy

Gifford Pinchot Audubon Society

Hemlock Farms Conservancy

Lacawac Sanctuary

Milford Garden Club

Pike County Extension

Pike County Federation of Sportsmen’s Club

Pike County Planning Commission

Pike/Wayne Chapter of Trout Unlimited

Wayne/Pike Builders Association

Wayne/Pike Farm Bureau


The Pike/Wayne Conservation Partnership is an alliance of over twenty government, non-government, non-profit and grass roots organizations that work toward common goals for natural resource conservation, sustainable communities and citizen involvement in community planning in Pike and Wayne Counties.

Find out more at our Pike/Wayne Conservation Partnership page.

A large group of people pose for a group photo
Pike/Wayne Conservation Partnership members and legislators gather at the 2024 Legislative Breakfast


The Pike County Conservation District works with the Collaborative, which is an association of private and community associations, agency representatives, water operators, and community drinking water system owners, on plans to help keep our drinking water free from pollutants and ensure a healthy water source for our entire region.

Find out more at our Pocono Source Water Protection Collaborative page.


Less than 1% of all the water on the Earth is fresh water we can drink.


Keep this water clean and free of pollution. Use all lawn and garden chemicals according to manufactures instructions and dispose of them properly. You can also choose organic lawn and garden care products.