Citzens Guide Clean Water

Pike County: Where People, Land, and Water Meet

A Citizen’s Guide to Clean Water

  • Protecting drinking water and water testing
  • Maintaining onlot sewage treatment systems
  • Agency contact information for environmental problems & emergencies
  • Identifying and protecting wetlands on your property and much more.

Chapters as Individual PDFs

  1. Watersheds: Connecting People, Land and Water
  2. Non-point Source Pollution: Living on the Landscape and How We Affect Our Shared Water Resources
  3. On-lot Sewage Treatment System Maintenance: The Homeowner’s Guide to Wastewater Management
  4. Stormwater Management: The Rundown on Stormwater Runoff
  5. Erosion and Sedimentation: Soil + Water = Pollution!
  6. Groundwater: Protecting Pike County’s Water Supply
  7. Wetlands Conservation: Mucking Through the Myths
  8. Pond and Lake Ecology and Management: Protecting Community Water Resources
  9. Streams and Rivers: Where People, Land and Water Meet
  10. Environmental Laws and Regulations: Playing by the Rules to Protect Pike County’s Water Resources
  11. Smart Growth: Strategies for Creating Viable, Environmentally Sustainable Communities
  12. Citizen Action: Getting Involved and Making it Happen in Your Community


    • Watershed Organizations in Pike County: Information and Volunteer Opportunities
    • Pike County Municipalities: Contact Information and Public Meeting Schedules
      Water Conservation at Home
    • Resource Conservation Organizations in Pike County: Information and
    • Volunteer Opportunities
    • Water Testing
    • Source Water Protection for Community Water Supply Wells
    • Environmental Problems, Complaints, and Emergencies: Agency Contact Information

Project Coordinator: Pike County Conservation District

Project Partners: Bushkill Watershed Conservancy Delaware Highlands Conservancy Delaware Township Supervisors Twin and Walker Creeks Watershed Conservancy

Funded by: The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania Citizen Education Fund through a Section 319 Federal Clean Water Act grant of the US Environmental Protection Agency administered by the PA Department of Environmental Protection.

Additional funding provided by the Delaware Highlands Conservancy.


We all live downstream. Our water quality is directly affected by our upstream neighbors, and our choices will impact the water quality for our downstream neighbors.

  • Minimize impervious surfaces.
  • Do not remove trees and other plants next to streams, lakes and wetlands.
  • Plant native plants to absorb heavy rain falls.
  • Direct rain gutters onto lawn or garden.
  • Construct rain gardens and use rain barrels.