Waterways & Wetlands Management Permit
The Chapter 105 program regulates work in and around streams, wetlands and other water bodies with a focus on avoiding or minimizing impacts on water quality, flooding frequency, and riparian habitats.
Under a Delegation Agreement, the District administers DEP General Permits for various types of work in waterways, including wetlands and stream crossings, streambank stabilization, boat ramp and dock installation, intake and outfall structures, and utility line crossings.
District staff inspect permitted sites, investigate complaints and provide regulatory and permitting assistance.
PA DEP Bridge and Culvert Maintenance and Repair Tool
DEP’s Bridge and Culvert Maintenance & Repair Tool is an online interactive tool is designed to help bridge and culvert owners understand and be informed of permitting and notification requirements for bridge and culvert maintenance under various scenarios, including emergency situations. It does this by asking a series of questions about the proposed work, the condition of the structure, current situation, etc. and includes ample photographs, examples, and links.
e-Permitting Now Available
The Department of Environmental Protection has launched e-permitting for Chapter 105 Wetland and Waterway Obstruction and Encroachment General Permits to make application submission and review more efficient and to enable faster responses to applicants.
DEP has developed instructions, videos, and user guides for the new e-permitting system »
For Chapter 105 General Permit Registrations, please submit the following:
- Pike County Conservation District Fee Schedule for Services (PDF) The PDF contains fillable form fields. Open with Adobe Reader and save. Download Adobe Reader if needed.
- Pike County Conservation District PNDI Information Sheet (PDF) A PNDI screening must be completed and can be done either through PCCD or independently. If choosing to have PCCD complete the PNDI screening, please complete this form and pay electronically below.
- Pike County Erosion and Sediment Control Small Projects Guide (PDF), if earth disturbance is proposed as part of the project. The PDF contains fillable form fields. Open with Adobe Reader and save. Download Adobe Reader if needed.
- Applicable DEP Chapter 105 General Permit Registration forms e-Permit submissions are required, however DEP will accept paper applications to accommodate those whose only option is a paper form.
- DEP 105 Fee Calculation Worksheet

Wonderful Wetlands
Everyone can take simple actions to help keep our wetlands healthy.
Resources for Stream Classification Verification
PA Trout Water Classification - Exceptional Value Wetland Determination
Utilize: Approved Trout Waters, Class A Wild Trout Streams, Stream Sections that Support Natural Reproduction of Trout, Wilderness Trout Streams
Pennsylvania's Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report

There are 4,700 miles of streams and 74 square miles of lakes and ponds in Pike County. Most of these waterways are exceptionally clean and support healthy ecosystems.
Follow all fishing laws, and don’t pollute these clean streams. Volunteer to help restore and protect these waterways.
Check out our Partners in Conservation which you can pitch in to help »