Pike County Conservation District

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  3. Pike County Conservation District
Events from this organizer

Best Management Practices Field Tour

Pike County Emergency Management 135 Pike County Blvd, Hawley, PA, United States

Get on the bus! Tour and explore sites that have successfully implemented Best Management Practices related to stormwater runoff and weather resiliency. Learn more about how Pike County Conservation District can assist in planning similar projects. Sites include: Pike County Training Center, Delaware Valley High School and Elementary School, Airport Park, and Little Walker Road.…

The Big Picture – NPDES Workshop

Northampton Community College Monroe Campus 2411 Route 715, Tannersville, PA, United States

Co-hosted by Monroe and Pike County Conservation Districts. Tentative topics include Chapter 102 and 105 updates, green infrastructure, ​permit coordination. 6 PDH credits available. Registration fee includes continental breakfast, lunch and refreshments. Vendors will share innovative stormwater technology with an environmental theme. The agenda is the same for both the February 5 & 6 workshops.…


Ways to Help Your Lake Stay Healthy

Dingman Township Volunteer Fire Department 680 Log Tavern Road, Milford, PA, United States

To help Pike County residents keep local lakes and ponds clean, the Conservation District is hosting a free three-part workshop series titled "How your Backyard Activities Affect your Lake." This first workshop in the series will begin with an interactive activity, led by Watershed Specialist Rachel Posavetz, to illustrate how our individual actions contribute to…