Pike County Conservation District

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  3. Pike County Conservation District
Events from this organizer

Contractors Workshop

PA, United States

Topics covered will include: Impacts of erosion and sedimentation How to complete an Erosion and Sedimentation Plan for sites less than 1 acre of total earth disturbance Common Best Management Practices (BMPs) implementation and maintenance This event will be held via Zoom. Registration is free but requested by March 16th. To register, click here. Click…

Stream Crossing Webinar

PA, United States

The presentation will show and review the negative impacts of undersized crossings and poorly designed projects. It will also cover the process of using the DGLVR policy and design criteria to design and install better stream crossings that will minimize environmental impacts and could greatly reduce future maintenance costs. Registration for this event is free,…


Leaf Pack Network® Event

PA, United States

Pike County Conservation District will be hosting Tara Muenz from the Stroud Water Resource Center to discuss the Leaf Pack Network®(LPN) through an online webinar. Stroud Water Resource Center and their partners have developed a passive stream monitoring protocol called Leaf Pack Network® (LPN) that replicates the natural leaf pack habitat found in streams. During…