
Lake Health Series Now Available!
To help residents protect local water resources, this summer we are hosting a virtual series titled “How your Backyard Activities Affect Your Lake.” Each program has information essential for home and property owners in Pike County on how to have a positive impact on water resources. The decisions made by each individual within a watershed can have a major impact on everyone else. We are all connected to each other through our water source, so it is up to every individual to take care of this shared resource.
Now that these programs are virtual, you can watch them whenever you have time! So if you missed it when it was live, you can catch up on the series on our Videos page or on our YouTube Channel.
Webinar 1: Ways to Help your Lake Stay Healthy
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In our first webinar, Devan George, Communications Coordinator joins forces with Senior Resource Conservationist, Ellen Enslin CPESC to bring you the basics on watersheds, and non-point source pollution. Ellen elaborates on the ways that we here at the District can help you create less non-point source pollutants.[/one_half]
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Webinar 2: Homeowner Tips to Protect Clean Water
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Devan George, Communications Coordinator, is back, now teaming up with Resource Conservationist Marianna Quartararo to dole out some tips and tricks. This webinar covers smaller scale changes you can make to your home and property for stormwater and non-point source pollution management.[/one_half]
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Webinar 3: Getting to Know Your Drinking Water
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There is still time to register for the third webinar in this series, click here to get more information and to register for the program. Peter Wulfhorst, Penn State Extension Educator will be joining us to teach us where our drinking water comes from and all the drinking water information you want to know. [/one_half]
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