Pike/Wayne Partnership Events
Game of Logging – Level 3
Cost: $90.00/person Location: 162 Beaver Run Lane, Lake Ariel, PA 18436 Level 3 focuses on techniques for handling difficult trees. Topics covered include limbing, height measurement, segment calculations, wedging techniques and hinge placement. The felling is done against the tree's natural lean and participants also limb and buck using techniques demonstrated in level II. NTHA…
Game of Logging – Level 4
Cost: $90.00/person Location: 162 Beaver Run Lane, Lake Ariel, PA 18436 Level 4 focuses on ways to maximize a harvest plan for safety and productivity. Felling is practiced at working speed using all the techniques from previous levels. This level is geared towards the “Professional Timber Harvester” user group. NTHA members are eligible for 50…
Science on Tap
Each month, the Pike/Wayne Conservation Partnership will host a speaker on a different science topic at a local brewery for an informal public presentation and discussion. January's topic: Pennsylvania's Forests! By Shelby Chorba from Northern Tier Hardwood Association