A dirt road with straw and gravel along the sides for erosion control


Sediment is the #1 Pollutant to Waters of the Commonwealth

Erosion control — Managing sediment and preventing it from entering our waterways is essential to reducing sediment pollution. Earth disturbance activities are regulated under Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) Erosion and Sediment Control Program (Chapter 102). Chapter 102 requires land developments or persons proposing or conducting earth disturbance activities to develop, implement and maintain Best Management Practices (BMP’s) to minimize the potential for sediment runoff and to manage post construction stormwater to protect water quality.

Erosion Control

PA DEP Waterways Management (Chapter 105) program provides oversight of work in and around streams, wetlands, and other bodies of water that has a potential to impact water quality, increase flooding or degrade riparian (streamside) habitat. The District administers the Chapter 102 and Chapter 105 programs in Pike County.

Staff Provide…

  • Education and outreach on sediment pollution prevention and wetlands identification
  • Permit application and plan submission reviews
  • Site inspections for potential pollution events
  • Site inspections and technical assistance for projects under construction
  • Information and technical assistance to landowners on regulatory and permitting concerns

Sediment (dirt) in streams is the single largest pollution source to PA’s waterways.


Contact the PCCD office when planning any project where you will be digging or moving soil. We can help advise you about ways to decrease the sediment pollution that is created.