A close up of the surface of a wetland with vegetation and clouds reflected

Who We Are

Conservation District Directors and Associate Directors are volunteers who have the responsibility for ensuring conservation of the natural resources within Pike County’s boundaries.

2025 Board of Directors

Scott Savini, Chairman
Kelly Stagen, Vice Chairman
Ronald Schmalzle, Commissioner Member
Jay Morrow, Treasurer
Ken Coutts
John Milliken
JoAnn Rose

2025 Associate Directors

Carole Linkiewicz
Paul Ranello

2025 District Staff

Tara Burnham, District Manager
Ellen Enslin, CPESC, Program Manager
Lisa Dolci, Administrative Manager
Nick Kremp, Head Resource Conservationist
Allison McGee, Resource Conservationist
Brandon Twomey, Resource Conservationist
Chris Meszler, PE, District Engineer
Rachael Marques, Watershed Specialist
Emily Mansfield, Communications Coordinator/Right to Know Officer


Read our Policy on Public Participation at District Meetings »

Board members pose for a group photo in the District education room
Front row, from left to right: JoAnn Rose, Kelly Stagen. Back row, from left to right: Ken Coutts, Paul Ranello, John Milliken, Jay Morrow, Scott Savini. Not pictured: Ronald Schmalzle, Carole Linkiewicz.
Joann and Ron standing at the front of the District's education room, JoAnn with her hand raised
Commissioner Member Ron Schmalzle reads the District director oath to JoAnn Rose as she swears in as a director

Wetlands provide habitat for wildlife, filter water, and can act like a sponge to limit flooding.


Protect wetlands by not damaging the flow of water. This can mean not placing soil or fill in wetlands and not digging in them to redirect water.